Jun 10, 2023Hollywood Bowl’s Muse of MusicThe start of the 1940 Hollywood Bowl season was heralded with the dedication of The Muse of Music, “a symbol of the arts within.” Located...
May 26, 2023Earl Carroll Theatre: Hollywood’s Entertainment PalaceEarl Carroll built Hollywood’s premier entertainment palace for his princess: singer-dancer-actress Beryl Wallace—whom he immortalized...
Feb 4, 2023The Crossroads of the WorldIn Hollywood, the Crossroads of the World intersect at Sunset Boulevard and Las Palmas Avenue. Built in 1936, the multi-national...
Sep 1, 2022Yamashiro’s Historic PastOne of Hollywood’s oldest landmarks, Yamashiro is a work of art. In 1911, German-born brothers Adolph and Eugene Bernheimer purchased...