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Prudence Yarn Shop

Prudence Yarn Shop was the first of its kind in California—and the only outside of London (“as far as we know,” ads claimed).

Prudence Yarn Shop storefront
Prudence Yarn Shop (USC)

At the time in 1933, knitwear was a popular trend and the boutique at 6521 Hollywood Boulevard welcomed hundreds of women daily.

For crafty folk who could make their own fashions, Prudence sold eighty different kinds of yarn in hundreds of colors. Those not as skilled with knitting needles and crochet hooks could purchase an array of dresses, sweaters, capes, baby sets, sports apparel, as well as “tapestries of persuasive charm.”

Prudence Yarn Shop at night
Prudence Yarn Shop after hours

Every afternoon, free classes were offered in a sunroom at the back of the shop, which allowed Prudence pupils to learn in a garden setting from Lily A. Erdman, formerly of Bullock’s. Other experts taught rug-making and how to weave their own tweed fabrics for suits. Upstairs in a suite, Prudence general manger Naomi E. Cleaves operated a knitting school.

6521 Hollywood Boulevard
Prudence at 6521 Hollywood Boulevard

Prudence Yarn Shop was a storefront in the Beller Gittleson Building, designed by architectural duo Gogerty & Weyl. Other businesses at the time included Betty Bolton Candy & Ice Cream, Lissa Permanent Wave Studio, Monica’s Cafe, Marshutz Optometrists, even plastic surgeon Dr. Floyd Brown.

Every trace of the building’s 1920s character is long gone. As for Prudence’s shop, the most recent tenant was the clothing brand Rich & Rotten. 

Beller Gittleson Building Hollywood
Beller Gittleson Building


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